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Communicable Disease Prevention



Everyday things we can do to help each other stay heathy, well, and able to work and play :)

  • Stay home if you feel unwell or have lingering wet symptoms from previous cold (runny/stuffy nose or wet cough).

  • If you are symptomatic and are required to leave the house for essential reasons, wear a mask

  • Clean your hands often, use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub

  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth

  • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow when you cough or sneeze

  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention



















Wellness practitioners are expected to take reasonable steps to manage health and safety for everyone in their practice environment; this includes preventing the transmission of communicable diseases, including COVID-19.



Outline for responsible care that support the goal of communicable disease prevention.


1. Prior to the appointment: Communicate with patients and all who enter the practice environment.

  • Prior to arrival at the clinic and/or at the time of booking, patients should be informed of the following:

    • Patients must arrive at their appointment with no signs of communicable disease. If they have signs of COVID-19, patients can contact public health at 8-1-1, if direction on next steps is needed.

    • Advise patients of additional requirements they will be asked to meet upon arrival at their appointment (e.g., hand washing upon arrival, arriving on-time for appointment).

    • Explain the rationale for ongoing compliance with safety protocols and guidance from the PHO and WorkSafeBC.


2. Physical Distancing

  • Physical distancing helps decrease transmission of the novel coronavirus as well as other communicable diseases.

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres/6 feet should be maintained in clinic areas other than the treatment room, as best as possible within the practice setting.

  • Physical distancing considerations include:​

    • Encouraging patients to arrive on-time for their appointment,

    • Encouraging patients to arrive unaccompanied unless the patient requires parent/guardian, or needs assistance.


3. Hand Hygiene

  • Patient cleans their hands upon entry to the practice environment.

  • Practitioner washes their hands often, as appropriate.

  • Hand-washing protocols are posted in reception area, in the treatment room, and at sinks (including bathroom for patient’s use if applicable).


4. Face Touching Avoidance – e.g., avoid touching eyes, mouth, nose

  • Share information about the reason for ‘no face touching’.

  • Provide tissues if an itch must be addressed; tissues must be available in reception, treatment room, washroom.

  • If the practitioner is accustomed to sweating during her or his work, a head band should be used, or a hand towel should be available to wipe the forehead and face as required to avoid sweat from dripping into eyes, necessitating touch.


5. Enhanced Cleaning

  • All staff will practice consistent cleaning protocols.

  • Clean and disinfect Thai mat, pillows, props after each client.

  • Linens/blankets must be single use only.

  • Remove all clutter, fabric furnishings and decorations that cannot be sanitized.

  • Frequently clean and disinfect:

    • handles: doors, cabinets, chairs, etc.,

    • electronic devices and phones,

    • desks and table surfaces,

    • washrooms.

  • Ensure the treatment room is thoroughly cleaned between patients:

    • Clean equipment and supplies (mat, pillows, supplies, oil bottles, sanitizer bottles, kettle, etc.) after each patient.

  • Air purifier if the room has no windows or external air exchange. 


6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

A practitioner may decide whether to use PPE for themselves and/or for their patient/s.

  • The Practitioner must have masks available for patient 

  • The Practitioner must adjust treatment positioning and make other accommodations as required for patient comfort to accommodate patients wearing a mask.

  • The Practitioner may refuse to treat a patient who refuses to wear a mask provided that this is communicated to the patient in advance of the appointment

  • It is the Practitioner's responsibility to use and clean or replace their mask correctly. 

  • Practitioners may use their professional judgment to decide whether to use other commercially available PPE.


7. Professional Obligations

  • Practitioners are reminded that if they are exhibiting signs of a communicable disease or if they are waiting for a COVID test result, they must not provide in-person care and should not be in attendance at clinics or other practice settings where other staff and patients are present.

  • Professional liability insurance:

    • Practioners in practice are required to carry professional liability insurance.

    • The coverage terms of policies can vary.

    • Practitioners are advised to follow the guidelines or requirements of their insurance provider.


*This outline has been adapted from the CMTBC guidance, as a prototype for consistent, professional care. 


Practitioner responsibilities


© 2011-2024  Kimberly Olson, Traditional Thai Massage and Yoga

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